Tailored Storage for Price Control
Price volatility in the energy market can pose business challenges. COAXIS Energy offers a unique solution – storing fuel during periods of lower market prices and utilizing it during significant price spikes. Our Energy Storage Solutions provide a known quantity at a known price, minimizing the impact of market fluctuations on your operations.
On-Site Storage Flexibility
We understand that every business's energy needs are unique. COAXIS Energy provides flexible options for on-site storage, designed and built to meet your site's needs based on your requirements and usage frequency.
Small to Large Scale On-Site Liquefaction
For businesses seeking self-sufficiency, our small to large-scale on-site liquefaction strategies offer a reliable way to produce LNG directly at your location, providing greater control over your energy supply while avoiding transportation costs.
Efficient LNG Transport Loads
COAXIS Energy's Energy Storage Solutions include utilizing LNG transport loads to fill on-site storage facilities, ensuring safe and efficient LNG delivery throughout the year.